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The Entrepreneur’s Email Swipe Copy for Sticky Situations
Every day, I help my clients communicate effectively, concisely, and tactfully–it’s beneficial for your legal strategy (and at the end of the day, it’s just good business).
Email, however, loses the nuance of face-to-face discussion. When it comes to asserting yourself, staying true to your boundaries, and navigating delicate situations with clients, how can you make it happen when writing an email is the only way?
Have no fear–the swipe copy is here! Together, we’ll take fear and tension off the table faster than you can copy and paste. Download this free PDF for a nineteen page collection of attorney-approved email templates addressing the most common sticky business situations I support my clients through. Clear a permanent spot on your desktop for this one!

What's Included In This Email Swipe Copy??
Sign up with your email and receive instant access to this free digital download of email communication templates. Drafted by an attorney to make your life a little easier, these email templates are designed to copy and paste when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place with a client. Sample scenarios include emails for an overdue payment, work beyond scope, copyright infringement, and more.

Get To Know the artists' lawyer
I’m Magi, Your Infallible Attorney + Business BFF
Hey there! I’m Magi Fisher, and nothing lights me up more than contracts over coffee with creators like you. And because you’re here, I know you’re on a mission to build a better business. Call me biased, but you couldn’t have picked a better place to start. You and I both know that every rock-solid business is built upon an unshakeable legal foundation. Yours should be no different. If you’ve realized that your business needs a little attorney-client TLC, you’re in good company. As a wedding photographer and a licensed attorney for small businesses and creative entrepreneurs, The Artists’ Lawyer is a love letter to the intersection of both my careers. Hundreds of fearless founders have trusted me to fortify their businesses and provide legal expertise for the times it matters most. There’s a seat at our table–and you can sit with us.